MSAA “The Principals of Property Law For Appraisers and Cadastral Mappers and Assessors”
Date: 09/12/2016 - 09/16/2016
Time: All Day
Register here: http://www.moassessorsassn.
(click on the link to labeled “Register for September School Online!)
32 hour course, with testing, CE credit approved, will include four eight-hour sessions covering the material.
When it comes to real property most folks immediately think of a deed. This mindset is superficial and often leads to incomplete, or worse, incorrect conclusions as to the location of rights and property ownership for assessment purposes. That is what this workshop is about: an aid for the interpretation and administration of the cadaster as it relates to some aspect of the land; boundaries, ownership of record, its size, its location, or some other characteristic.
A partial syllabus includes:
- Indian vs. English views of property ownership
- History of American survey techniques
- Quit rents-the first appraisals of property
- Property ownership theory
- The founders of the PLSS
- Formal requirements for deeds
- Recording land titles
- Interpreting ALL types of deeds
This class will inspire participants to take their knowledge to the next level, and students to be embolden to make both correct and confident decisions regarding the interpretation of legal instruments and assessment techniques.