ArcGIS 10.1: Transform Your Organization

Date: 09/25/2012 - 09/27/2012
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


September – November 2012 Free US Nationwide Seminar

Join us for a no-cost, half-day seminar to learn how ArcGIS 10.1 can help you make the most of your GIS investment.

At the ArcGIS 10.1: Transform Your Organization seminar, Esri staff will demonstrate workflows that reflect collaboration and teamwork within and across government, businesses, and citizen groups.

This seminar will help you

  • Establish a mapping platform for your entire organization
  • Collaborate with other departments, agencies, and citizens to improve efficiency and transparency
  • Use the new functionality in the ArcGIS system such as the subscriptions in ArcGIS Online to share the geographic knowledge you create
  • Educate others in your organization on how to create and use maps
  • Expand your capabilities as a GIS professional to better serve your organization


St. Charles, MO – 9/25/12
Overland Park, KS – 9/27/12
Omaha, NE – 10/4/12
Denver, CO – 11/8/12